Thursday, November 2, 2023

Album Cover Portraits by Lotte Meitner-Graf

I was so impressed when I discovered the portraits of Lotte Meitner-Graf, who made wonderful photographs of artistic and scientific worthies of the 1930s to the 1960s, in her London studio. Many of her best portraits can be seen at the website of the National Portrait Gallery in London, but there's another source for fabulous shots: LP covers.

This is one of the great album cover photos: David Oistrakh and Otto Klemperer, on a 1961 Columbia disc of the Brahms Violin Concerto. It's not clear if this is a single photo or a collage, but in either case it's superbly atmospheric, and hints at the depth of feeling these two great musicians bring to this music. By the way, it was when my brother Lane found this album at a record store that I first learned about Lotte Meitner-Graf.

This intense Lotte Meitner-Graf portrait of Herbert Karajan is for a Tchaikovsky disc from 1960, also from Columbia. It's a photograph that makes me think of Isaiah Berlin's famous quote: "He was a genius—with a whiff of sulphur about him."

A very fine portrait of the young Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, for a Schubert Lieder album from 1961.

Carlo Maria Giulini looks as refined as his Dvorak sounds, in this 1962 album cover portrait by Lotte Meitner-Graf.

There's been a lot of discussion of the portraits of Leonard Bernstein with the recent release of Bradley Cooper's film Maestro. This is a classic shot of Lenny's profile by Lotte Meitner-Graf, for a 1966 Mahler release from Vienna.

Here's a rare Lotte Meitner-Graf portrait taken outside the studio, and it's a big winner. Meitner-Graf has captured the spontaneity that's an important part of Rosalyn Turek's recordings of Bach for the piano. This compilation includes music recorded in 1960, so I'll assume that's about when this photo was taken.

Lotte Meitner-Graf's portrait of harpsichordist George Malcolm for a 1969 Couperin album.

I find Lotte Meitner-Graf's double portraits are often more interesting than her solo shots. This 1969 photograph of soprano Margaret Price and pianist James Lockhart is beautifully lit, and beautifully composed.

Here's the only album with a Lotte Meitner-Graf portrait cover from my own LP collection: the father and son team of David and Igor Oistrakh. Their 1961 recording of the Bach Concerto for Two Violins is legendary.

Another fabulous double portrait by Lotte Meitner-Graf: Julian Bream with his wonderful lute, and tenor Peter Pears, from 1960.

Album Cover Portraits by Lotte Meitner-Graf

I was so impressed when I discovered the portraits of Lotte Meitner-Graf , who made wonderful photographs of artistic and scientific worthie...